
Weiler Plastic Surgery Blog

Weiler Plastic Surgery Group

For The Arms – Lipo vs. Brachioplasty

There are two options for correcting the appearance of larger arms: brachioplasty and liposuction of the arms. The two are very different and create different results, as well as care after the procedures. So it is important to know which is right for you. Brachioplasty. also know as an arm lift, is the excision of …

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Weiler Plastic Surgery Group

Even When It’s Cold Out

Weather change usually means change in our skin regiment. Even though it’s cold out, we still need one essential product – sunscreen. We usually load up on this during the summer, but the sun will still be out during the cooler seasons, so why stop using it? UVA rays can still damage us during the …

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Weiler Plastic Surgery Group

Has Your Teen Asked for Laser Hair Removal?

This treatment has become extremely popular. It’s often the first choice for lasting hair reduction and temporary removal for adults, and more teens are beginning to request it. Like many concerns kids in the midst of puberty may have, the appearance of hair in unwanted places may cause additional stress.Parents begin to face the question …

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Weiler Plastic Surgery Group

You Are Not Alone

skin check before cosmetic surgery Many have valid fears of getting plastic surgery procedures.  If you think you are one of the few unhappy with your appearance, rest assured that you’re not. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has released statistics showing the incline of many plastic surgery procedures, including facelifts and breast augmentations. Fears often associated …

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Weiler Plastic Surgery Group

Not Just Nips and Tucks

Weiler Plastic Surgery houses a full service Medical Aesthetician who can meet all of your needs regarding any concerns you may have with your skin, as well as non-invasive alternatives to invasive procedures. There are many options for those who hold fears or reservations about going under the knife, but would still like to achieve …

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Getting Ready For Summer Fun?

Getting Ready For Summer Fun? Summer is quickly approaching, and everyone wants to look their best for their beach wear and beach fun. While dieting and exercise helps achieve your ideal form, it can often leave access skin and unwanted fat. We have a few procedures to correct this that you should learn more about …

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